Lyrics Stormwarrior


Heathen Warrior

Oh splenderous lande of thundere, where elder wordes outliv'd the times

And northern wyndes still raise, this aulde pagan hearte of mine

So afar from home, I've sail'd acrosse all seven seas

Many a battle was won, many a foe's last breathe I've seen

But here's the place where once this northern son was borne

And here's the place where (oh) this hearte of pagan line belonges

I will fighte, I'm a Heathen Warrior

Noble fame on my minde

Hail me nowe, I'm a Heathen Warrior

Avow'd to leade an epic life

I'm a Heathen Warrior

Oh many suns did passe since I had left aulde Asa lande

Forefathers' waye, nowe outlaw'd by foreigne hands

And I heare the blathering of "There is but one god ..."

But nevere was I borne to kneele before a strange foreigne crosse

I will fighte, I'm a Heathen Warrior

Noble prowesse on my minde

Hail me nowe, I'm a Heathen Warrior

Avow'd to leade an epic life

Be thou hail'd, Heathen Warrior

Noble prowesse on thy minde

Unconquer'd swordsman, Northern Warrior

Bold and brave be thy fighte

Hail me nowe, I'm a Heathen Warrior

Pagan glory I shall strive

Thou art not conquer'd as longe as thy hearte is free

Bolde and brave be my fighte

I'm a Heathen Warrior