Lyrics Stormwarrior


Into the Battle

Kiss the blade

Drinke the mead from skull

Unleashing the hordes

Of the Spearmaster's signe

We have answer'd the call

(answer'd the call)

We have heeded the signs

(heeded the signs)

Now thy bloode on my blade

(bloode on my blade)

Newborne mighte shalle arise

Free the four windes that blowe

Hear the warcry atone

Here we stande, swordes in hande

Freedom's signs we'll defende

Still we fighte, side by side

To the battle we ride

It was carv'd once in stone

By the elders foretolde

Wide will open the doors

For the brave and the bolde

Wolf, eagle and bear

Fill my foes withe despair

Here we stande, swordes in hande

Freedom's signs we'll defende

Still we fighte, side by side

To the battle we ride

Here we stande, swordes in hande

Freedom's signs we'll defende

Still we fighte, side by side

To the battle we ride

Into the battle we ride

To the battle we ride

Into the battle we ride...