Lyrics Stormwarrior


Lion of the Northe

November mist, a silent nighte

Starv'd to deathe I awaite the fighte

The sounde of hooves in the breake of dawne

The calme before the storme

The drums asound, hear the horns atone

To sounde the charge on this icy morne

Oute of the crowde a knighte cometh forthe

The Lion of the northe

White lightning, gunpowder in the air

Salvation, desir'd across the lande

We came, we foughte withe the Lion of the northe

On Streiff he was riding aheade

We stand, we fighte withe the Lion of the northe

The saviour from up highe above hath come

He rode along all his rows of men

Up highe on Streiff, saluting them

The Lion spoke and we swore to fighte

On these frozen fieldes we'd die

He turn'd his face to the foes that day

Throughe the dwindling mist he had pav'd his way

He rais'd his sworde to attacke the hordes

Oh the Lion of the northe

White lightning, gunpowder in the air

Salvation, the cry throughoute the lande

We came, we foughte withe the Lion of the northe

On Streiff he was riding aheade

We stand, we fighte withe the Lion of the northe

The saviour from up highe above hath come

Erblicket, ett lejon! I rimfrost han ridar fram

Och han draer sitt vapen, sveas konung det är han

Han hälsar sina mannar och på Streiff mot fienden

Ett lejon från höga nord, ska äras på vår jord

Erblicket, ett lejon! I rimfrost han ridar fram

Och han draer sitt vapen, sveas konung det är han

Han hälsar sina mannar och på Streiff mot fienden

Ett lejon, son från norden, vi han ska ära på vår jord