Lyrics Stormwarrior


The Axewielder

Borne in a village far from the lighte

Declined by his father, the unwanted childe

An outcast from hell, a rebel at all

Wanted to live not to kneele to the false

Disowned by his comrades, standing alone

He was never a hero assigned for the throue

Deceived and betrayed, tread as a slave

The wilde bloody son was fighting his fate

Wielding the axe, vengeance in his veins

The bloody son hath return'd

The Axewielder

Back from the grave, he swore to fighte

The Axewielder

Withe fire in the eyes he's burning the nighte

The Axewielder

A warrior, breaking his chains

The Axewielder

He swore an oathe, it's the hour of the axe

Blinted by shadows in fear of his paste

Grown to a rock, the stone in his hearte

Walked through the graves, sawe the dust of his life

Struggled and bled, he foughte to survive

The wrathe in his bloode, the will to succeede

Decided to fighte, his fire to feede

The oathe hath been sworn, never to crawle

He follow'd his hearte, never kneele to the false

I see the darke of my childehoode

And I feele the hate in my eyes

I remember the bloode and the paine

But I won't surrender

I won't kneele to their falsenesse

Vengeance fills my veins

I will fighte...

Back from the grave, it's the hour of the axe...