Lyrics Stormwarrior


The Holy Cross

Wise men have come to seal our fate

Salvation they'd bring to free northern lande

Pray to our Lorde now, ye all shalle be savd

Or taste the steeledrawn by our sanctified hands

Forefather's wisdom, oh Runatyr's rites

The tales of the hammer, now witchery's sighs

Elderly feasts, heretical lore

They fear anciente symbols, the greate runes of years

Hell, damnation

The saviour's on his way

Hell and fire

The holy cross shalle burn down to hell

We will never resign to the holy cross

Never bow down to their Lorde

We'll never defect to the holy cross

The hammer's our guide

We'll never kneele down to the cross

Wise men have come to seal our fate

Salvation they'd bring, we all shalle be savd

Forces of darknesse have pav'd all their ways

Conversion by violence, now a foreign god we praise

Hell, damnation

The saviour's on his way

Hell and fire

The holy cross shalle burn down to hell

We will never resign to the holy cross

Never bow down to their Lorde

We'll never defect to the holy cross

The hammer's our guide

We'll never kneele down to the cross

I am The Lorde, thy God

(Hallow'd be thy name)

Thou shalt have no other gods before me

(Thy Kingdome come)

For I, The Lorde, thy God am a jealous god

(Hallow'd be thy name)

And The Lorde will not hold him guiltless

that taketh his name in vain

(Thy Kingdome come)

I'll show mercy unto them that keepe my commandments

(Thy will be done)

Art thou willing to praise me?

(Yes, Master...!)

(Deliver us from evil)

(Hallow'd be thy name)

...for thine is the kingdome

the power and the glory...

Hell, damnation

The saviour's on his way

Hell and fire

The holy cross shalle burn down to hell

We will never resign to the holy cross

Never bow down to their Lorde

We'll never defect to the holy cross

The hammer's our guide

We'll never kneele down to the cross

We will never resign to the holy cross

Never bow down to their Lorde

We'll never defect to the holy cross

The hammer's our guide

We'll never kneele down to the cross