Lyrics Stormwarrior


The Ride of Asgard

A colde sable midwinter's nighte

In the wake of the storme

Loweringe clouds, a darksome skye

Fiercest wyndes, thundere roars

The huntinge wolves, an eerie sounde

Oh the doom's drawing neare

A deafening blare, sinister row

Baneful signes, awe and feare

Oh see them ride, crossinge the skies

Asgard's warriors are raisinge a storme tongihte

Oh, heare afar, howlinge in the darke

The Ride of Asgard is preyinge througheoute the nighte

The Wilde Host is passing by

Arm'd and wroth be the horde

Undeade men, wolfe-warriors

One-ey'd olde Man to the fore

Some were burnt, some beheaded

Some still are spear'd by the sworde

Lo, beware, yielde their pathe

Avoide their sighte or be wolf'd by their coarse

Oh see them ride, crossinge the skies

Asgard's warriors are raisinge a storme tongihte

Oh, heare afar, howlinge in the darke

The Ride of Asgard is preyinge througheoute the nighte

Oh see them ride, crossinge the skies

Asgard's warriors are raisinge a storme tongihte

Oh, heare afar, howlinge in the darke

The Ride of Asgard is preyinge througheoute the nighte