Lyrics Stormwarrior


Wolven Nights

Twelven are the nights atween the years and tymes

When memories awake and the wyndes blowe oh so highe

The Wilde Hunte, a giante horde, prowlinge throughe the darke

The Wilde Hunte, a raginge storme, and no one oute there evades the din

From afar

Wolven Nights

The Norns will foreknowe thy fate

Wolven Nights

Followe the trace of the elder waye

Phantoms of the past oh will waite for ye at laste

To settle olden score (olden score) from the dayes so longe afore

Oh the unseen, thy destiny, callinge from beyonde

Oh thy hidden dreames, the prophecy, divine visions, forecaste what is to


Wolven Nights

The Norns will foreknowe thy fate

Wolven Nights

Followe the trace of the elder waye

Avowels of vengeance

The spirits arise from the ancient tymes

The arrival of fortune

Heare Oden's call in the Wolven Nights...

Wolven Nights

The Norns will foreknowe thy fate

Wolven Nights

Followe the trace of the elder waye

Avowels of vengeance

The spirits arise from the ancient tymes

The arrival of fortune

Heare Oden's call in the Wolven Nights...