Arabian Nights

Hot sand is all around me

singeing my skin, burning my face

I'm longing for some water

fata morgana in the haze

I feel the strong irons made of steel

and since seven years

rusty chains strangle my neck

Sore weals are the whip's hot, bloody seals

every night and day

they seem to burn on my back

Arabian nights

nightmares of heat and pain and fright

I see the light

the end of the slavery

Arabian nights

stars of the desert shine on me

I feel the light

the time's right to break the chains and flee

Three thousand miles of torture

ten thousand slaves all in a row

my eyes are dim with fever

my vital force is running low

I know that they'll never let me go

I made up my mind

to get away, to take a flight

Cruel whip, tonight I will flee your grip

I'll be off before

daylight displaces the night

Arabian nights...