Cheyenne (Where the Eagles Retreat)

The sun is awaking, the fires glow down

The spirit has spoken, the token was found

Dance to the rhythm, the beat of the drum

Is shaking the mountain, the war-song is sung

Down on the barren plain, the dust clouds rise again

Just like the locusts they're raiding our land

Down on the road of thieves, we watch our enemies

Hate in our hearts and guns in our hands

As long the winds are free, the white man shall bleed

The Red Man's destiny is up where the eagles retreat

They've broken the treaties, the papers were lies

With finery and whiskey, they've stolen our pride

Plundering our holy hills, the game was almost killed

Buffaloes' thunder will never return

Smoke signals rise and sail over the iron trail

Prior to the sunset the tables will turn

As long the winds are free . . .

Fast as the falcon we will ride down the hills

to the place of the holy fight, Soldier Blue in the arrows' hail

Great spirit told us, we won't fail, wreaking vengeance

On everyone who came and tried to make the Red Man run

Woe betide the flood of whites that turned our days

To deepest nights, you tremble and you cry for help

When I draw my blade and take your scalp

Just before the set of sun the battle's won

The bloody work is done--Yeah

Down on the barren plain, the killing starts again

Many have followed, too many to stand

Our tribes are doomed to death, just like the freedom's breath

Wires and stakes in the heart of our land

As long the winds are free . . .