Dragon's Day

In his home, a dark cavern

Lay Smash the Dregon, he is so sad

His whole life, no adventure

Lazily lolling in gold of bad

Then he hears, little creature

Creeping slowly towards his hide

Oh, don't worry, Smash the Dragon

Swallow the beast when he's in sight

Flix he loves deceit

With only the black stone in eye

Worth more than the eyes can meet

The ring he'll now apply

Smash he know, someone's near

Smash he is spying but he can't see

Where are you? What is your will?

When my breath lights you belong to me

Flix he loves deceit

The stone has flashed in his eye

Like a breath we can not see

Like the ring he did apply

Hear, I'll show you this

The ring and his might surely will use you

Hear, I'll show you this

The ring and his might slowly destroys you

Flix calls: Hey! Over here!

The echo it fools Smash's ear

The dragon he thinks he is near

Flix got the stone

Running fast away

I've got the stone! He did chant

Smash sent his fiery flame

Burned the thief's seat of his pants