Werewolves on the Hunt

Deep in the misty forest

In nights when wind stops blowing

And when the moon hides its face

Spit out of evil darkness

Hell's infants, night's black agents

Then Satan starts a bloody race

Thick fog leads you astray

Watch out, you've lost your way

You're feeling cold, feeling ill

The mob of beasts are hungry

They scent your sweaty body

They're doomed to hunt, born to kill

Dont't look back, they follow your tracks

You can hear them growl and grunt

Start to run, the chase has just begun

There are werewolves on the hunt

You're staggering on the wood-ground

You're stumbling and you fall down

Thorny branches scratch your face

Get up and keep on running

Get up and keep on running

No chance to flee their cold embrace

Don't look back.....

Deep in the misty forest

In nights when wind stops blowing

And when the moon hides its face

The sound of crackin' bones

Echos through nightmare's home

You've lost your life at Satan's race

Don't look back.....