When The Bat Bites

The sky is cloudy

and the full moon's on the rise

your hear a lone wolf howl

the dark's got evil eyes

you'd better look the door

nail up the window-panes

tonight's the Demon's night

and hell will break his chains

When all is asleep

he's leaving his grave

searching for a slave

when the bat bites

The room is empty

but you feel you're not alone

black eyes are watching you

they seem to break your bones

a cloud of fog is slowly

Crawling towards your bed

a shadow's coming down

reaching for your head

When all is asleep...

No garlic and no cruzifix

can save you from his grips

you feel the end is near

when he licks his lips

you can feel an icy breath

of rotteness and decay

your pillow's turning red

blood is hard to pay

When all is asleep....