Lyrics Stradlin Izzy

Stradlin Izzy


From desperation here to motivated there

I've got ta get some sleep some time this week man

That old cocaine she's bad, worst love I ever had

I've got ta get some sleep some time this week man

Ya go fallin' over

Cause ya haven't been ta bed in a week

Ya start ta see' funny like snow comin' down in a heat

Cocaine please go away

Bye bye bye give me a wave

I don't see you any more that I can say&

My heart beats violent red, I ain't done nothin' bad

I've got ta get some peace some time this week man

On white hot ashes my friend, my feets been runnin' fast

I've got ta get some peace some time this week man

Start ta see' funny like snow comin' down in a heat

Cocaine please go away

Bye bye bye give me a wave

I don't see you any more that I can say

I don't need you any more please go away

Cocaine please go away

Bye bye bye give me a wave

I don't see you any more that I can say

I don't need you any more please go away