Lyrics Stradlin Izzy

Stradlin Izzy

Freight Train

I heard a freight train back on the rail again

I heard a whistle blowin off in the distance

It's hot as hell here, the heat's been growin

It's hot as hell dear, oh well you know it

She's comin offa the rail throwin gravel

In a hell of a wave

I heard a freight train-been haulin hemp again

Yeah smokin on the rails,

Yeah I need a head check

It's hot as hell here, feels like it's glowin

It's hot as hell dear, yeah now I'm goin

She comin offa da rail

Throwin gravel in a hell of a wave

Conductor he don't know,

Radio the engineer to brake

Here come a freight train haulin the gold away

Another money car yeah in a big way

It's hot as hell here, I can't feel nothin

It's hot as hell dear, well ain't that somethin

She comin over the hill

She comin offa the rail and goin up