Lyrics Stradlin Izzy

Stradlin Izzy


Spazed in a time zone

Of light and darkness

Here I've known

I feel quite happy in this place

Float into sky tones

Of blue and white

And ends unknown

I feel quite happy in this place

I hear someboday callin'

Off in the distance yellin'

Spazed, Spazed, Spazed, Spazed

Hitchhike to starplanes

Of gas and lights and colored rings

Just floating out there

In the maze

No goin' home zone

No twisted signs of lives we've known

I see the colored earth below

I hear someboday callin'

Off in the distance yellin'

I hear someboday callin'

Off in the distance yellin'

Spazed, Spazed, Spazed, Spazed

Spazed, Spazed, Spazed, Spazed

Spazed in a time zone

Of light and dark and color codes

I feel quite happy in this place