Lyrics Strapping Young Lad

Strapping Young Lad

Dirt Pride

Praing yourself,

Do you know what you're doing?

Point blank when you hear what I say

No way you can wash away nature...

Do you know what you're doing...

Do you know what to say?

Dripping... Seeping

Dripping... Leaking

Dripping... Cabbages

Grazing away

Do you know what you're feeling?

You fool... do you know where you lay?

I'm gone, there's no answer... it's over

Do you know what I'm saying...

Do you know what I'm saying?

Dripping... Gigbutt

Dirt Pride... My pride

Dripping... Bunksock

Bathe... Bathe...


I'm not about helping hopeless

Bored when I wash them away...

Internal a body at war with itself

And the bleeding I do... it's for me

Dripping... Seeping

Dripping... Leaking

Dripping... Cabbages

Bathe... Bathe...

Commiserate... Commiserate

Praising yourself

Do you know what you're doing?

Point blank when you hear what I say

No color, no code, no creed... WAR

Wash my fucking balls