Lyrics Strapping Young Lad

Strapping Young Lad

Oh My Fucking God

There is no insanity, rather a super sanity

More suited for life at the end of the 20th century

Where everything is art

And everything is trying to express it

Where everything is art

And everything is trying to communicate it...

All intelligent beings sleep the dreaming of dreams

And they've all come up to meet met tonight

Although while in the morning, all their wonder and their

Glory was turned ugly and quite simple

Like a venue when you're loading in gear

Sexuality, eroticism in asexual persuasions

Man or woman, makes no difference in the outcome

No fashion, no tolerance for stupidity or ignorance

..."adidas" or "the arch deluxe"...

And time is now an object

Oh my fucking god...

Oh I'm fucking god...

And I'll dream this into becoming real

And until such time that you can prove me otherwise

I will continue with my agnostic travels

Until I've found a place that dreams with me...

...a place that feeds on my routine

All I want is my mommy...

All I want is my mommy...

All I want is my mommy...

All I want is my mommy...

This is the night that it all changes