Lyrics Strawberry Alarm Clock

Strawberry Alarm Clock

Wooden Woman

Wooden woman by the gate

Wonders if she is too late

She tries so hard to make her date

But a young mans love she will never receive

Wooden woman by the wall

Sadly she will then recall

Of when she was so young, so small

And she knew so much love, it was hard to believe

She was so much in love, as she drank up their lies

As she saw with both ears, listened hard with both eyes

Now she wears her old age like an ugly disguise

As her whole life is caught up in time as it flies

Wooden woman stands alone

Thinks of the love that she has known

She watches green waves turn to foam

She is tired and the sea will release her

Wooden woman on the bay

Going to leave the world today

She jumps and finds to her dismay

Though she cried as she floated away