A Boy And His Dog

A dog is all a good boy needs

To lick his wounds when his heart bleeds

To gnaw his bones and chew his meat

A friend to turn to in defeat.

A dog is all a good boy needs

To follow where the master leads

A faithful servant true and kind

The seeing eye that guides the blind

Who understands all his commands

Who never queries his demands

Who disapproves but still concedes

A dog is all a good boy needs.

A dog is all a good boy needs

To cure the sick among the weeds

To fix the root of his disease

And set his weary mind at ease

Who always answers when he calls

Who never stumbles when he falls

Who breaks the back of his misdeeds

A dog is all a good boy needs.

Who bares her teeth but never bites

the Mother courage when she fights

Who stands to lose but still succeeds

A dog is all a good boy needs.