Another Day

An orange balloon on the distant horizon

The air had a nip for the sun was still rising

A delicate fusion of ambery tone

Brought warmth to the shore where I walked all alone

Another day begins.

A crab scuttled awkwardly, shyly away

Perhaps the strangest of all nature's rebels

Night shed its cloak with the sounds of the day

The gentle lap of the tide on the pebbles

Another day begins, another day.

The gulls on the breeze, soaring over my head

Like marionettes with invisible thread

The day unfurled like the flags on a mast

Spelling a message of sunshine at last

Another day begins, another day.

I walked along for miles

The clear blue sky was free

And the smiles shone like pearls on the sea

Another day begins, another day.

Far too soon it was time to be leaving

A gull flew ahead of me bobbing and weaving

It caught my eye with a quizzical stare

Was it my love, was it she who was there?

Another day begins.

I climbed the steep path to the high cliff top's heather

The sea was as clear as a fresh mountain stream

The gull as it circled away dropped a feather

A souvenir of a beautiful day dream

Another day begins, another day.