Beside The Rio Grande

It happened rather suddenly that the Preacher came to town

With stories from the Testaments of men of great reknown

With his box of patent medicines he swore to cure all ills

From the lameness in the horses, to the children's colds and chills

And he had along his Indian wife and a country music band

Who sang of peace and brotherhood beside the Rio Grande.

Now the Preacher quickly gathered sick and poor from miles around

Who came to him for comfort and to hear his country sound

But the mayor thought he was trouble when he spoke against the law

And he saw the growing power of the crowds that he could draw

And he worried when the Preacher bought himself a plot of land

To settle with his family beside the Rio Grande.

The saloon was pretty crowded and the stakes was a-running high

And the girls sang sentimental songs that made us cowboys cry

We began to criticise the Preacher marrying a squaw

And how could he associate with cripples, drunks and whores

And in a crazy fit the Preacher scattered chips and winning hands

And condemned it as a den of vice beside the Rio Grande.

Now the boys were drunk and rowdy, and mostly pretty mean

And we dragged him to the sidewalk and whipped his shoulders clean

We said he was responsible for bringing on the drought

That had burned off all the spring grass and had wiped the young herd out

The sheriff would not get involved, the law could take no hand

The Preacher had not harmed a soul.

We pegged him on the hillside alongside two Apache braves

Who'd been given picks and shovels and been made to dig their graves

And when he asked for water stood and pissed around his feet

While his tongue swelled up and blackened in the burning desert heat

And someone said we ought to mark the Preacher with a brand

To show that he did not belong beside the Rio Grande.

Then the sky began to darken and a breeze whipped up the dust

And some of us were frightened while others swore and cursed

And the Preacher said a few words with his final dying breath

About forgiving us for what we had done to bring about his death

And as the night began to fall we covered him with sand

And left his weary bones to bleach