Blue Angel

The gypsy girl stood quite alone

Her eyes were brightly shining

Her head was in the clouds

Where she had found the silver lining

And all the while the crippled boy

Was dancing with his lady fair

While I stood on the sidelines

Trying to make out that I wasn't there.

So loud the music grew and grew

With ever greater pain

I stepped back in the shadows

For I could not stand the strain

I tried to look, my eyes were blind

I tried to speak but could not find

The words to say.

They left me lying where I lay

I could not bear the light of day.

Treat me kindly dear blue angel

Deepest colour of the night

Be merciful, be gentle

For I have no strength to fight.

Half Worlds Apart

So I lay in half world dream state

Pressed like a flower in the pages of a half book

Words in softly spoken whispers

Steal through the silence of the blue veiled half light

The best of questions have no answers

The best of answers need no questions

Born on the quest for a wave of half peace

Acquired in a Dresden china cuplet

Bound in the chains of the half book binding

Half way to my half life.

Treat me kindly dear blue angel

Deepest colour of the night

Be merciful, be gentle

For I have no strength to fight.

So she lay in half museum

Pinned like a butterfly which failed to reach its half life

Tender moments left half spoken

Lost like an orphan in the pleasures of the dream state

A man of honour has no secrets

How can I be a man of secrets

Trapped in the web of the woven blue veil

Peering to find the angel weaver

Most sacred saviour of the silver lining

Half way to my half life.

Treat me kindly dear blue angel

Deepest colour of the night

Be merciful, be gentle

For I have no strength to fight.

At Rest

Sleep the sleep of peace my love

And I will let you be

I alone can comfort

I alone can set you free

I will be your healer

And give you back your pride

In times of need remember me

At rest here by your side.

When the hour of darkness comes

And time itself stands still

When voices from the future

Seem to come and go at will

I will be your servant

Your ever constant guide

When all is lost remember me

At rest here by your side.

The wisdom of the fool is such

That he alone is sane

So delicate the balance

That e'er the moon could wax and wane

I will be your teacher

And show you where to hide

When all else fails remember me

At rest here by your side.

Treat me kindly dear blue angel

Deepest colour of the night

Be merciful, be gentle

For I have no strength to fight