Deadly Nightshade

The silent prophet

Seeks his inspiration after midnight

With a candle lit for comfort

In the shadow of the shade.


Waves a parasol beneath the window

So enchanting and inviting

In the scheme that she has laid.

The lonely prophet

Waves to Belladonna from the window

In the hope that she will notice

And may wish to know his name.

But cruel Belladonna

Turns to face the waiting sunrise

With its promise of excitement

Thinking little of the game.

Shine your lantern brightly

Do not heed the darkness lightly

We must always talk politely

In the presence of the night

Deadly nightshade

Hear me calling

Shadows of the evening

Falling down.

The quiet prophet

Gathers up his papers for the fire

He alone will read the message

In the words that he has burned.

Belladonna tries the door

To find the room is empty

And she coldly rakes the ashes

For the love that she has spurned.