Down By The Sea

Maybe you think, a lot like me

Of those who live beside the sea

Who feel so free, so I surmise

With their comfortable homes, and wives

Who end up drinking tea together

In the afternoon of their lives.

They build their homes upon the seashore

The quicksand castles of their dreams

Yet take no notice of the North wind

Which tears their building at the seams.

In their dismay and blind confusion

The weeping widows clutch their shawls

While as the sea mist ever deepens

The sailors hear the sirens' calls.

And in the maelstrom sea which follows

The lifeboat sinks without a trace

And yet there still remain survivors

To bear the shame of their disgrace.

Last night I lay in bed

And held myself

Trying to remember

How it once was with you

How your hands were softer.

Yesterday I found myself

Staring into space

Rather like the sailor

In my own home surroundings

I'm not sure I know me.

If you were me what would you do

Don't tell me I don't need you to

It won't help me now.