Heartbreak Hill

I was taken prisoner and carried down

To a dungeon cold and bleak

Where my trial was a foregone conclusion

At which I might never speak

While the innocent live with freedom of speech

And the confidence of their wives

So the guilty remain on Heartbreak Hill

In the chains of their humdrum lives.

The sun beat a trail in the summer sky

It mounted me with desire

It consumed me with ease and then left me to burn

In the wake of its hungry fire

I was torn limb from limb by its passionate kiss

I was left in a cold deep sweat

Now I shiver alone on Heartbreak Hill

With a memory to forget.

It was spring when I woke from a long deep sleep

Inspired with a second chance

And I join with the newborn leaves in the trees

Spinning in the dance

As I rubbed the sleep from my deep-rimmed eyes

I was gratified by the sight

Now I see myself on Heartbreak Hill

In a totally different light.

If I've broken my back on the treadmill once

I've broken my heart on it twice

I'm not going back on Heartbreak Hill

At any price.

A man must do what a man must do

A woman must do what she must

But neither can really be satisfied

Without that mutual trust

In the eyes of a child, there's a simple truth

One can either be right or wrong

But if you ask those on Heartbreak Hill

They will sing you a different song.

If I've broken my back on the treadmill once

I've broken my heart on it twice

I'm not going back on Heartbreak Hill

At any price

At any price

At any price.