How I Need You

My ashtray's flowing over,

And the 'phone's left off the hook.

I've been staring for three hours

At the first page of a book.

Day and night I keep the curtains drawn,

And curse the very day that I was born,

And get to thinking,

How I need you,


I keep staring at my wristwatch,

Until it's ticking fills the room,

And the hollow sound reminds me

Of the silence of a tomb,

And as the ceiling and the walls close in,

And the furniture begins to spin,

I get to thinking,

How I need you,


And as the days go passing by,

And I never get a letter,

How I need you.

Days turn into weeks,

And it doesn't get much better,

How I need you.

The gaslit streets lean slowly

As I reel against the wall,

And my musty head is aching

As I stagger down the hall;

Then I fill the broken glass once more,

And fling the empty bottle to the floor,

And get to thinking,

How I need you ...