In Amongst The Roses

The old house stands deserted

Crumbling and decaying

Its broken windows watching

As a young child wanders

In amongst the roses

Overgrown and falling

The garden once was cared for

Life is like the garden.

The roses reach to touch her

They whisper as she passes

Their petals form a carpet

Soft and warm and scented

In amongst the roses

Full in bloom and fading

The young child cannot hear them

Life is like the young child.

The young child has been gathering

Flowers for her mother

Flowers for her bedside

Flowers for her table

In amongst the roses

She is gathering wild flowers

The roses bend to kiss her

Life is like the roses.

The old house stands deserted

Crumbling and decaying

Its broken windows watching

As a young child wanders

In amongst the roses

Full in bloom and fading

The young child cannot hear them

Life is like the young child.