On Growing Older

The scarecrow stood with its head held high

Admiring the view from the hill

The waterfall scattered its glistening jewels

As the heron stood gracefully still

It seemed I looked without seeing

I failed to grasp what I saw

For all of Nature's beautiful gifts

I blissfully chose to ignore.

As sandy beaches and soft swelling tides

Invite the inquisitive young

And caviar, oysters and pate de fois

Invite the discerning tongue

So comes the desire to be lost awhile

In the depths of the forest glade

Midst the cool deep greens where ancient oaks

Cast wondrous spells in their shade.

And if sometimes I feel in retrospect

A regret for the waste of my youth

Then I pause to reflect that I still have time

Before growing long in the tooth

To achieve all the things that I should have achieved

When idleness led me astray

And being aware of what I have missed

I'm extending my use of the day.