Sealed With A Traitor's Kiss

I must have been the saddest man

Who ever wrote a love song

For when I spoke of ways and means

I knew it would not last long

After all the years

The growing pains and heartaches

I swore that I would die for you

And sealed it with a traitor's kiss.

We must have been a crazy pair

To think we'd last together

I hope you find your own new world

And make it last forever

You gave me your best

I gave you all my worst years

I swore that I would die for you

And sealed it with a traitor's kiss.

Thank you for your sympathy

God bless you for your kindness

I'm sure that as the years roll by

You'll understand my sadness

I can't have been the only man

Who ever wrote a song for you.

Take care of the kids

I didn't want to hurt them

I swore that I would die for you

And sealed it with a traitor's kiss.