
July the fourth in the market town

Farmers have come for miles around

Bringing their wives and children.

A farmer stands with his youngest son

Watching their sheep driven from the pen

The slaughterhouse is waiting.

Look they're turning back

They're frightened

Dogs are snapping at their heels

Jumping on each other's backs

Hear their squeals.

The young boy stands looking quite dismayed

How can they know they're just animals

Come pull yourself together.

The farmer tells him to look inside

Row after row of raw carcasses

Their blood runs in the gutters.

Listen to their silly bleating

Farmer beats them with his stick

Milling by the open door

Don't be sick.

The young boy

Takes a look around

See people watching blankly

And he pities them

For they too

Look like sheep

And he tells himself

When he grows up

When he becomes a farmer

He will just plant seeds of love

He will just plant seeds of love

He will just plant seeds of love

And he will harvest peace