Starting Over

When I was a young man I wasted my days

Dreaming of fortune and fame

Now as I look back, I can see the mistakes

It's time to move on for I'm starting over

A kid starting out has much more of a chance

Than I ever had at his age

If only he's willing to take what is his

Time to move on for I'm starting over.

Time knocks again and again at your door

Opportunities never return

Remember you only get back what you give

It's time to move on for I'm starting over.]

Time, you have everything

Share it with me

Dark is the mystery

How silently the kestrel is flying.

He of the watchful eye

In careful pursuit

We the willing prey

Aware of the danger

Content with our fate.

Swift is the kestrel's flight

Straight to the heart

Solved in a second's pause

How short-lived our time here.

I envy the wild bird his freedom and space

His view of the world far below

My eyes are wide open to take in the view

It's time to move on for I'm starting over

An experience entered can only be gained

It's never forgotten or lost

We're here for a purpose that few of us find

It's time to move on for I'm starting over.