The Flower And The Young Man

While seasons change in timely way

The salt sea ever flows

Where open moors lie cold and bleak

A single flower grows.

Though winter snows fall deep and long

The flower grows the while

The weary traveller passing by

Feels warmer for her smile.

Sunshine and the tender flower

Both melt the young man's heart

But he who lingers waits his turn

Must learn to play his part.

Through summer days of warmth and love

The young man tends his flower

But blinded by their colours bright

Heeds not the passing hour.

The autumn trees once clothed with gold

Now frayed and sadly worn

The flower bids a chill farewell

The young man's heart is torn.

While seasons change in timely way

The salt sea ever flows

Where open moors lie cold and bleak

A single flower grows.