The Promised Land

It was early in the morning

And our ship was still at sea,

With a lifetime far behind us we were free.

We had strong hearts and a faith

In our good Lord's guiding hands;

The mist before us cleared, and we saw the promised land.

With our brothers and our sisters

We soon forged into the land,

Building towns and cities far beyond our dreams.

As the tree which reaches to the sky,

The child who learns to stand,

So we had men of vision to create the promised land.

But the vision soon became

One man's view of wealth and fame,

And the gun became what wisdom used to be.

So the struggle had begun

Which has never yet been won,

Hear the people, hear them saying, "Are we free?"

So God bless you, my promised land,

Let nothing you dismay,

For the hand that guides our fortunes has strange ways.

And when the fight is over

And the judgment is at hand,

Please don't forget our brothers,

Far beyond the promised land.