Tokyo Rosie

The willows stand on guard in the dark

Where lovers are rowing alone in the park.

In awe of each other they make a mistake,

And find they must spend one more night on the lake.

And I don't care if anyone knows,

There's no-one so fair as my Tokyo rose.

I don't care if anyone knows,

There's no-one so fair as my Tokyo Rosie.

The blossom has fallen before the west wind;

The butterfly lies with its silken wings pinned;

Alone in the temple the lovers rejoice

And sing to each other with one single voice.

I wear my silk kimono black,

Get you monkey off my back.

No matter where the west wind blows,

You'll never find a fallen rose.

The flowers of heaven are roses in bloom;

The east wind turns west in the walls of my room.

I build my defence in the palace of sin,

The lovers make home and the loser must win.