Lyrics Street Dogs

Street Dogs

Don't Preach to Me

Take your soapbox rants and your politics

Stick them where the sun don't shine

Won't solicit your advice

You're on the red carpet

Espousing your opinions

Why can't you just shut your mouth

Don't tell us how to feel

Don't preach to me, I cannot hear you

Don't preach to me, we really won't care

Don't preach to me, you're so self-righteous

You're a celebrity

They wear views on their sleeves

Thinking that it counts

But we have minds of our own

Sarandon shut your mouth

Just stick to the acting

Films and TV shows

Give us time to think for ourselves

Please give us that much

Yet these stars don't get it

We have minds of our own

We're capable of opinions

Madonna hit the road

Don't preach to me, we're not backin' you

Don't preach to me, we really won't care

Don't preach to me, you're so self-righteous

You're a celebrity