Lyrics Street Dogs

Street Dogs

Tale of Mass Deception

An elaborate con on the common man

Propelled by your massive media plan.

And I can see your hostile takeover, greed and your lies.

Turning what I love into what I despise.


It's a tale of mass deception, destruction, corruption

And I'm under the assumption the government will function

By a clear and present danger, I'm fearing a stranger

Corporation of fear and mind control

They gotta go

You're telling lies to cover all those tracks

But it's misinformation, any honesty it lacks

Your faces now testify how it all went wrong

A nation taken for a ride and strung along


Suffering the wrath, or the iminate collapse

The result for the ignorance of assorted past

Will I watch it all crash? Your departure at long last?

Only the yearn for some honesty here.

So you got the dictator but why go lie

About the poision, the atomic fry

Went on PR tour with honchos in tow

Told the world a big lie about all that you know


Tale of mass deception, tale of mass deception [repeat x4]