
A warm Dallas breeze floats naked through the air

As a million hungry faces watch the king and his parade

On show for the world to see prime time America nineteen

Sixty three and you were by his side I still remember

Pictures that look on your face the king had been forsaken

And his country died in three seconds that would last

An eternity o Jackie-o I wonder what you could be thinking

Now your mixed up little head has been left alone in a world

So cold just a foot note in history book full of lies you

Such a good girl keep smiling make 'em happy all is well

In the land of make believe as soon as the bullet left

The chamber on that calm November day you knew the

World would never be the same the killer in us all

Just victims of ourselves looking for the perfect

Death trigger happy patriots running from ourselves

You knew it would never be the same again o Jackie-o

I wonder what you're thinking now you've been left here

All on your own in this land a world of make believe you

Get back what was taken from you and go moving on