Reason To Believe

I never had a reason to believe in anything

I never had a cause that I could fight for

I never had too much of anything to call my own

A drunk mother and father of four

All my life, I grew up watching others' dreams come true

And how I waited for my days in the sun

Every day, I worked harder and I got farther in debt

I realized that day wasn't ever gonna come

Written off, lost cause

Sold us down the river, got no hope to offer us

Tore down without grief

What's a generation without a reason to believe?

They tore down all my walls and then they made my hatred a crime

Debilitating us with their complacency

Our thoughts become mundane; our generation thinks the same

Our minds anesthetized by apathetic TV

No wars to fight, steel bridges won't burn

The beliefs we uphold are lies; we never learn

The only hope for the future leaves us reason to grieve

What's a generation without a reason to believe?

A reason to believe

No wars to fight, steel bridges won't burn

The beliefs we uphold are lies; we never learn

The only hope for the future leaves us reason to grieve

What's a generation without a reason to believe?