
Events of recent history indicate that Americans are setting a course

for the end of their own great nation. The ever growing trend in

this country is to judge people, not by their individual character,

but by their identity as a member of a specific group

No one has ever succeeded or failed in life as a result of their

group affiliation

A person's success or failure is also not based on luck, but on the

sum total of the decisions that they have made. Those who succeed

do so through good work ethic and their wise use of their power to choose

The opposite is true for those who fail

The ideals of individual accountability and responsibility in the

United States are dying everyday. A gun cannot be responsible for

a death, just as a shovel cannot be responsible for digging a ditch

Both are only tools, that have no will of their own

Responsibility is an adjunct through conscious choice and is the price

we pay for freedom

Freedom is also a tool

It is an essential tool needed by human beings if they are to prosper,

rather than to merely survive. Yet there are those who would rather

trade their freedom for security

Some believe that it is the responsibility of government to provide for you

In truth, we form government to ensure and protect the freedom

that is already inherently ours