It's Gonna Get Worse

I don t like the way I m living

No one gives me any choice

You don t like the way I m singing

But all I got is my fucking voice

I can t get a word in edgeways

Surrounded by so many lies

They just treat us like subhumans

We re the people they despise

I m telling you it s gonna get worse...

Always rising unemployment

Always debates on nuclear war

Do you think that any government

Gives a shit what we stand for?

Sometimes you wonder what to do

When you haven t got no cash

Better start thinking what you ll do

When your country turns to ash

You can blame the fucking Tories

Every government s the same

They don t believe in the public good

Just in their financial gain

Then the bastards throw you out

And take your furniture away

Cos you can t afford the rent

Unemployment doesn t pay