Never-Ending War Song

There’s someone on the doorstep with a button in his hand

All this western culture fix has blown apart his land

Until we make connections with the way it’s all been planned

His hate for us is something we'll never understand

Advertise democracy then offer it for sale

The price goes through the roof much like the bombs if payment fails

To pay the interest on the loan to build some factories

And extra jobs for the boys back home as burger franchises

So when your nation's starving ‘cos the wages that we pay

Means you can't afford to eat the food they cook 12 hours a day

Or wear the shoes they make so our teenagers can stay cool

We'll keep the cycle going till you've military rule

And then, my friend, the arms we've got will cost you more than debt

An everlasting friendship that we won't let you forget

All this global enterprise truly goes two ways

You give us your resources - we give you bigger chains

It’s a war against war against war against war

With words about words about words on the wall

Stances taken, dealers shaking

Hands on the arms deal, here's some more

Money exchanges, there go the wages

There go the jobs, and here comes the poor

White man trade and we all get slaves

Making the trainers we can't afford

We look to the sky when we want to know why

We go to the ground to get profound

Here comes a plane to deliver again

And we get to our knees and pray that it's food

Nobody explained who didn't have a suit on

Nobody complained ‘cos we didn't understand

More worried about the rains and where to get the food from

They may say they run the country

But it's us living off the land

We saw the ad and bought the box

And saw the ad and lots of clocks

And ties and tightness, so much tightness

The money key fits all the locks

Importation ran amok

When all this greed escaped the box

We learnt to feed for more than what we needed

And then the value dropped

We took for granted all we'd had

But prices only raise the cost

Of living without joining in

Such soul-degrading culture loss

So then we had to fight to save ourselves from losing proper jobs

Then fight again to get the ones where corporations were the boss

You'd recognize the household name

It's on your t-shirt and your socks

Or skyward advertising gas on baseball hats in parking lots

Business rang the businessman

Who rang around, said "here's the plan

We use up everything we can

Then raise the price and get some more”

Overseas where by degrees

Their leaders carry guns, I see

Dictatorships and poverty

And what we're looking for

Oil and aid a fair exchange

Yet all these guns get in the way

Well, I flipped a coin

And either way

It’s time to go to war"

To go to war

Now I've just my anger left to keep me half alive

Below that 50/50 line it’s worthless to survive

And worth the chance of an afterlife of peace and silent nights

Just one more thing I have to say and do before I die

Here is what you get for forcing us to buy your civilisation

War's the global empty face of loss and its retaliation