Point of View

Read it in the paper the other day, but not the day before

Neither in the one that came after it, so it’s out of sight once more

Everyone says it’s too hot outside and the Canteen's gone downhill

The food ain't what it used to be, but I don't see 'em being ill

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What was it the paper said, next to the top-less Girl?

Not but a picture of a starving kid in someone else's world

Christ, she looks almost anorexic

Give her some food before she dies!

In the macho banquet of anesthetic

Conscience starves as they feast their eyes

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The bigger the picture the more it drives

Images into the front of the mind

While the back dries up from the lack of ambition

To think about sex and social position

You have to look further if you want to see more

Then think a bit harder than you ever did before

If something is wrong and it makes you think twice

You've got the incentive to act

It’s your choice

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