
A sense of enterprise is here

The attitudes that conquer fear

Stability togetherness

The feeling cannot be suppressed

Hand in hand we had our say

United we stand but so did they

Hands in handcuffs dragged away

To cheers of hate and victory!

We fought the city but no-one cared

They passed it off as just a game

The city won't stop till attitudes change

Rats in the cellars of the stock exchange

Co-ordination was not so good

But everyone did just what they could

Unarmed with inexperience

We had to use our common sense

“If you act like rats you get treated like this”

Said a policeman like we didn't exist

When the force of law has lost it's head

The law of force is what you get

We fought their calculations

Money gained from third world nations

All that money spent on war

Could be used to feed their poor

The papers played the whole thing down

Said there was nothing to worry about

The rats have all gone underground

But we’ll be back again next time round