Song No. 35

Working class hero? No such thing

Put on your Martens. you still can't sing

No organised class, it's out of control

Your mates are so young, you feel so old

No new religion follow yourself

Plastic fashions lined up on a shelf

The shop has closed down it's a supermarket pose

Wander back home and change all your clothes

No price tag on the cost of shit

Shit is free they got plenty of it

Conveyor belt message to the ignorant youth

This is free shit it's better than truth

Don't quote German freaks at me

It's all crap that's my philosophy

Shit class structure fuck TV

Looks like I gotta die if I wanna be free

Pessimist! Nihilist! Optomist! You don't exist

It's all in your dreams

Can't you hear the screams?