Dirt Roads

Country dirt roads –

This walk is not the same without you -

Right here – by me – the twig I trip over is you -

Over – this bridge – the memories of the past times

Look up – past the trees – and to the left –

The broken house that you lived in -

Good times was all we had –

Concrete slabs spray painted -

Leaves me pictures of you -

I patiently wait… (the place we played) for you -

I silently pray…(you'll find a way) for you -

The top – of this tree – where we could see for miles -

Stories – of the times – the testimonies of our lives -

Smell the air – take a breath – fall asleep and listen in -

We learn a lot from experiences, but it's no good if we don't change. -

Good times was all we had – concrete slabs spray painted -

Leaves me pictures of you - I patiently wait… for you -

I silently pray… for you

Close your eyes (It's time to move on to the new.) -

Hold on tight (forget the past, forget old ‘you'.) -

We'll be alright (look to the new pasture.) -

Close your eyes (the past won't meet your future.) -

The field – the creek - where the fort we built I think still lay -

Crooked branches with our names - still engraved -

They'll stay the same.