Lyrics Suffocation


Marital Decimation

I sit as tomorrow I die and today I will unburden my soul

These events have tortured me and destroyed me

I can still hear her faint screams engulfed in the atmosphere around me

The stench of ammonia still encircles the room where her disemboweled corpse lies

One night returning home, much intoxicated, I fancied my wife to avoid me.

I seized her with, with the fury of a demon instantaneously possessed

I knew myself no longer

My original soul,

At once to leave my body and a more than fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fiber of my frame

At an instant,

I grabbed the knife from the kitchen and left incision from ear to ear

In turn, her limp weak corpse fell instantaneously.

I in return having received much pleasure from the initial blow

Had begun to cut into her abdomen

Once inside I began exploring the regions of her innards

The warm blood still running,

The warm blood still running down my hands is cold and damp.

I began to remove her intestines, stopping to take a little nibble or two

Her uterus seems to mesmerize me as I bury my head into it

And lose myself into a world of the subconscious

For now I know the many pleasures of my wife

And I will soon be joining her.