Lyrics Suffocation


Sullen Days

The broken ways, as I walk through the emptiness

Lost souls as empty as mine...

barren and desolate, foreseeing the irony

Abolish the self, merge into a singular space...

Confront the self, subduing the whim's inside

No feelings to exude and portray the sullen days

As we hide from the bitterness,

Embellish reality, or so your told

No other way, to prepare for awakening

Condense the frail ridden mind

Keep without consciousness

To adhere to the ending days

The gods are not here for you now,

Expect a dichotomy

Ancient thoughts to prepare for the exodus

Shutter at what knowledge will hold

Sullen days searching for a singular way

Now I conceive a brutal reality,

Just wanting to kill

Murder in mind, to silence a virus

Internal struggle containing the violence

Wanting to purge the earth

Denying my thoughts to obtain absolution

Pray for my soul to receive its ascension

Sullen days as I dwell in this empty shell

Hopes of redemption decline

Festering hate inside - as I harbor the pain within

A tormented soul that's tortured and bound

- god fearing agony

Broken days, in my bitter reality

Conform thy self, I brood within

Prepare to die, as I wade through these sullen days,

The know not my plans of what destiny holds

What you don't know, is silence can kill

What I know is silence will manifest

HATRED, brewing within me

I dream of KILLING

If thoughts could lash out, you'd all be dead

Now I conceive a brutal reality,

Just wanting to kill

Murder in mind, to silence a virus

Internal struggle containing the violence

Wanting to purge the earth

Denying my thoughts to obtain absolution

Pray for my soul to receive its ascension

Sullen days as I dwell in this empty shell

Hopes of redemption decline

Festering hate inside - as I harbor the pain within

A tormented soul that's tortured and bound

- god fearing agony

Broken days, in my bitter reality

Conform thy self, I brood within

Prepare to die, as I wade through these sullen days,

They know not my plans of what destiny holds.