Lyrics Suffocation


Surgery of Impalement

To dissect the mind impaled of visions a delusional

state from which one neglects

Incise the flesh with delicate precision

as to not disrupt such artistry

To dominate a feild of iniquity undeserving of many.

One must realize a painful demise deeds of tranquility.

Inflicting misery, an instrument of morbidity thrust deep on you.

Conflicted desires will transpire justify what's right.

Impaled upon a structure dear to you

Blood soaked hands drip insistently

Organs deemed venemous to you

Surgery of impalement

The blood drips from my hands

Your flesh is warm upon my face

Impaled with a collection of sickness

To desire that what you recieve

Impaled upon a structure dear to you

Blood soaked hands drip insistently

Organs deemed venemous to you

Surgery of impalement.