Lyrics Suffocation


Your Last Breaths

From the time you understood anything

You're misled to believe a false truth

If you lived on in one's glory

All that could befoul would be diverted

This couldn't be further from the truth

You control nothing

And there's nothing you can do

Your path has been set

And to this you will see it through

Dividing the flesh and the essence

While dying - you see as you should

But could never see

Fleeing the host - panic frenzy

Your last breaths to be counted

And faint images fade as hope loses its worth

Lift the veil to see the unseen

The absence of light, exquisite agony

Forked tongue messenger

Deliverer whose words are the key

The door of perception unlocks

This couldn't be further from the truth

You control nothing

And there's nothing you can do

Your path has been set

And to this you will see it through

Dividing the flesh and the essence

While dying - you see as you should

But could never see

Fleeing the host - panic frenzy

Your last breaths to be counted

And faint images fade as hope loses its worth