Lyrics Sufjan Stevens

Sufjan Stevens

Joy! Joy! Joy!

I would like to throw a field

Yes, I would like to be a man

I would serve the Kingdom's will

Yes, I would enter to the end

Blessed is the man who waits

And blessed is the man who starts

I believe in (page)

Believe in (page)

Believe in (page)

Believe in (page)

I read every page

Read every page

Read every page

Read every page

Hey, (name?)

Yes, Sufjan?

So, what do you believe in?

Oh, a lot of things

Oh yeah, like what?

Well, peace and justice for all

In the middle when you came

Will the animals invite?

Every syllable the same

Every letter every line

I believe in peace

Believe in peace

Believe in peace

Believe in peace

I believe in peace

Believe in peace

Believe in peace

Believe in peace

I believe in joy

Believe in joy

Believe in joy

Believe in joy [x A Lot]

(After the first two repetitions)

I, I, I, am, am, am, joy, joy, joy, and, and, and

I, I, I, am, am, am, joy, joy, joy

I read every page

Read every page

Read every page

Read every page